Saturday, July 3, 2010

iShowcase Music in Los Angeles by King Ryan Events

Live Music Showcase by Music Performers that are presenting their material to Jive Records Representative Jessica "Mo" Hiromoto for a chance to get more exposure.

Saturday, July 31st 2010

@ Cinespace Nightclub
6356 Hollywood Blvd.
Hollywood, Ca. 90028

Red Carpet & Media
Show Time is @ 5:00pm PST

The iShowcase Music Exhibition is a red carpet, live music showcase for up and coming pop, rock, and r&b singers to present their music for real music industry professionals. King Ryan Events produces the showcase once per month in Hollywood, California at prime nightclub venues. Performers that are interested in a chance to perform should email their music, web site, promotional material, contact information, and other pertinent details to

re-cap of iShowcase Music June 2010
Shine tops King Ryan Events iShowcase Music for Warner Bros Records

Los Angeles, Ca.
For Immediate Release
June 28th, 2010

Sara Shine came to the iShowcase Music Exhibition at Cinespace Nightclub in Hollywood this past Saturday evening for one reason… she wanted to make an impression with her music skills and stage presence.

It worked.

Warner Bros Records representative Roderick Scott chose Shine as the winner of King Ryan Events pop music showcase, the iShowcase Music Exhibition, and it wasn’t quite an easy decision to make. “I am very comfortable with choosing Sara as the winner of this show.” said Scott “…it wasn’t an easy decision and there are definitely other artists that I would like to work with at this show, but I am confident that Sara Shine was the best performer here tonight.”

Shine, who writes all of her own music, was very gracious and humble in victory. “I want to say thank you to everyone that supported me here tonight and shout out to all of the other artists that came to compete at the show. I think that I am going to cry… I am really excited to be going to Warner Bros Records to meet with Mr. Scott.”

Sara Shine’s showcase victory wasn’t an easy one as several other pop/rock musicians came out to perform and impressed the judges. Finalists were chosen before the winner of the showcase was announced. Pop singing new comer M.L.E. and acoustic rock player Johnny Nicholson were finalists and made it to the encore round at the showcase as well. M.L.E., (pronounced as if saying Emily), is a choreographer turned pop singer that dazzled the crowd with a mixture of sharp dance moves and catchy vocals. And Johnny Nicholson is an eccentric, albeit irresistible acoustic rock singer with a soulful vibe to his music that astonished the crowd as he performed.

The iShowcase Music Exhibition is a red carpet, show for up and coming pop, rock, and r&b singers to showcase their music for real music industry professionals. King Ryan Events produces the showcase once per month in Hollywood, California at prime nightclub venues. Performers that are interested in a chance to perform should email their music, web site, promotional material, contact information, and other pertinent details to

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